Inventing anachronism -- Anachronistic histories -- Anachronism and philology -- Anachronism and chronology -- Anachronistic survivals -- Anachronism and exemplarity -- Anachronism now: multitemporal moments -- Anachronistic dialogues.
Antiquity and Anachronism in Japanese History
This collection of essays is built around a major but previously unstudied theme in Japanese history - the extent to which the exaggeration of antiquity has distorted historical understanding.
"This well-produced book is a little masterpiece, wise in what it says, and graceful in how it says it."--Asian Studies Review
The essays are concerned with the reception of the classical world, extending into the realms of modern philosophy, art history, and cultural studies.
This book examines how ancient authors explored ideas of kingship as a political role fundamental to the construction of civic unity, the use of kingship stories to explain the past and present unity of the polis and the distinctive ...
" The Literary Imagination in Jewish Antiquity suggests ways of thinking about how Jews understood their own literature before these categories had emerged.
Discover essays by leading scholars on the history of mathematics from ancient to modern times in European and non-European cultures.
Stein, Robert. 'Brabant en de Karolingische dynastie. Over het ontstaan van een historiografische traditie'. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedemis der Nederlanden— Low Countries Historical Review 110 (1995): 329–51.
Annotation Contains texts from 112 historians of the last three millennia who discuss the problems, purposes, and methods of history writing. Kelley provides commentary and interpretation. Annotation(c) 2003 Book News, Inc.
Intro -- Series Editor's Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Part I Necessary and Unnecessary Anachronisms -- Chapter 1 Realism and the Institution of the Nineteenth-Century Novel -- Part II Forgetting and Remembrance -- Chapter ...