This book provides the first comprehensive economic valuation of U.S. National Parks (including monuments, seashores, lakeshores, recreation areas, and historic sites) and National Park Service (NPS) programs. The book develops a comprehensive framework to calculate the economic value of protected areas, with particular application to the U.S. National Park Service. The framework covers many benefits provided by NPS units and programs, including on-site visitation, carbon sequestration, and intellectual property such as in education curricula and filming of movies/ TV shows, with case studies of each included. Examples are drawn from studies in Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Everglades National Park, and Chesapeake Bay. The editors conclude with a chapter on innovative approaches for sustainable funding of the NPS in its second century. The framework serves as a blueprint of methodologies for conservationists, government agencies, land trusts, economists, and others to value public lands, historical sites, and related programs, such as education. The methodologies are relevant to local and state parks, wildlife refuges, and protected areas in developed and developing countries as well as to national parks around the world. Containing a series of unique case studies, this book will be of great interest to professionals and students in environmental economics, land management, and nature conservation, as well as the more general reader interested in National Parks.
This book provides the first comprehensive economic valuation of U.S. National Parks (including monuments, seashores, lakeshores, recreation areas, and historic sites) and National Park Service (NPS) programs.
Science and the National Parks examines the reasons why science is important to the national parks, reviews previous evaluations of research in the parks, and recommends ways to improve the current science program.
National Park Service Concessions Program: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources,...
The book is also a call to revitalize, reconstitute, reconfigure, and reform the National Park Service, which the authors believe is governed too much by outdated management practices and politics instead of a foundation of expertise and ...
This text is adapted from the best-selling Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 11th edition, by the same authors.
National Heritage Areas: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States...
The status of the National Park Service Concessions Management Program and implementing regulations: oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on National...
The Full Value of Parks is the first comprehensive analysis of these important, but intangible, values.
National Heritage Areas: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States...
National Park Service Concessions Management: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on National Parks, Historic Preservation, and Recreation of the Committee on...