The aim of this publication is to provide the interested reader with an authoritative and comprehensive up-to-date bibliography on all important facets of the world food problem, encompassing such questions as the availability of natural reseources, the present and future sources of energy, environmental quality, population growth, world malnutrition, the state of food production, food consumption patterns, future food needs, toxicological aspects of food, agricultural and industrial aspects of food production, and family planning. It is the first compilation of its kind in that it covers the subject from a multidisciplinary point of view, including publications that deal with teh description and alaysis of the world food problem as well as those that offer alternative strategies adn specific technological meaures for alleviating the problem.
Why do millions of people in the less-developed countries go hungry - while there is an abundance of food in the world? What can be done about it? These are...
The great strength and value of this outstanding book lie at once in the author's understanding of the nature and scope of the problem, and in his clear analysis of the factors operating in a wide range of instances.
The fifth edition of The World Food Problem reflects nearly a decade of new research on the causes and potential solutions to the problems of producing and distributing food in developing countries.
The World Food Problem and U.S. Food Politics and Policies
The World Food Problem: Tackling the Causes of Undernutrition in the Third World
The World Food Problem: Consensus and Conflict
The World Food Problem: A Guardedly Optimistic View