This fully revised text demystifies interpersonal communication skills by bringing the latest research together with practical guidance that prepares students to discern key communication dynamics and communicate more effectively in all areas of their lives. The new edition draws on current theory and research to guide students through the foundations of the discipline, recent developments in scientific research, and tips for improving their own interpersonal communication skills. In addition, readers will find: Expanded coverage of technology and computer-mediated communication, including explicit examples of what interpersonal communication looks like online. Invitations to engage with elaborated descriptions of theories and related resources on the companion website whenever prominent theories of interpersonal communication are mentioned in the text. A commitment to gender inclusive language and topics, as well as a new feature, "IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access," that invites students to consider ways to address exclusion and inequity in interpersonal communication. The fully revamped companion website includes updates across all resources, additional videos, self-quizzes for students, and all-new instructor resources, which can be accessed at Also new to the companion website for this edition are links to essays and videos featuring the work that students in the Communication Studies program at the California State Prison, Los Angeles County, produced in response to self-reflection prompts in the first edition. These materials provide insight into facets of interpersonal communication in these students’ lives, and they offer a broad range of rich life experiences. Interpersonal Communication: Putting Theory Into Practice, Second Edition is ideal for undergraduate students in courses on interpersonal communication and communication skills.
Foundations of interpersonal communication - Culture and interpersonal communication - Perception of the self and others in interpersonal communication - Listening in interpersonal communication - Verbal messages - Nonverbal messages - ...
Kory Floyds approach to interpersonal communication stems from his research area where he studies the positive impact of communication on our health and well-being.
Featuring several all-new chapters, revisions, and updates, the Second Edition of A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication presents an interdisciplinary collection of key readings that explore how interpersonal communication is ...
Interpersonal Communication's unique goals-based approach allows for an accessible, practical presentation of the latest research, introducing the most current theories and ideas in the field while keeping students firmly rooted in the real ...
I gladly recommend this book as a rich resource for learning to build real community through effective communication." --Larry Crabb, NewWay Ministries; author of The Marriage Builder
This edition retains the subject matter strengths of the previous version and augments them with content that reflects new understandings of interpersonal communications, new communication technologies, and new organizational practices that ...
Source: Blair, C. A., Hoffman, B. J., & Heiiand, K. R. (2008). Narcissism in organizations: A multisource ap— praisal reflects different perspectives. Human Performance, 27(3), 254—276. INTERVIEVVING Your first full-time job after ...
Relationships and sensitivity to others through a chapter on diversity and integrated discussions of diversity issues. Communication specialists, and anyone interested in improving their interpersonal relationship skills.
Responding to this evolution in communication, this collection explores how existing and new personal communication technologies facilitate and change interpersonal interactions.
Bridges Not Walls; a Book about Interpersonal Communication