"The Intersection of Cultures: Multicultural Education in the United States and the Global Economy, Fourth Edition offers a unique, problem-solving approach to the complex issues involved in educating culturally and linguistically diverse students. Perfect for any course devoted wholly or in part to the study of multicultural education, this text addresses a wealth of topics. A particular focus in this edition is the current global migration of peoples, and the tension between local and global cultures. Part One, Multiculturalism, includes chapters on cultural differences and schooling, dominated cultures, and immigrant cultures. Chapters in Part Two, Cultural Frames of Reference, address monoculturalism, biculturalism, and ethnic identity; multicultural minds; history, gender, and social class; and the intersection of school culture with dominated and immigrant cultures. Part Three, Perspectives on Teaching Multicultural Education, includes chapters on teaching about racism; teaching about sexism; and teaching to protect and preserve cultures. All chapters include model multicultural lessons for elementary through college classes. These lessons serve a dual function—first, they can be used to help teach the content of the chapter, and second, elementary, middle school, and high school teachers can use these lessons in their own classes. Each chapter concludes with a “Personal Frames of References” section designed to engage students in relating multiculturalism to their own lives. New in the Fourth Edition: *cultural differences in ways of seeing, knowing, and interrelating with the world;*recent research findings from cross cultural psychology and the psychology of immigration; and*methods for educating “multicultural minds”."--Provided by publisher.
This provocative volume is based on the premise that cultural studies and rhetorical studies address specific and parallel questions about culture, critical practice, and interpretation, and that opening up a dialogue between them can ...
An inter-disciplinary, international collection that examines the mutual influences between law and culture through a series of sophisticated case studies showing how cultural phenomena are brought under legal regulation, how laws are ...
This book is an essential resource for students and teachers of music and cultural studies, as it unpicks complex issues to help readers better understand and appreciate Brazilian culture.
This edited volume brings new ideas to the study of national culture and organizational culture as it explores their naturally existing intersections.This is an ideal text for advanced undergraduate and graduate coursework, and those ...
Cristi (sociology, U. of Waterloo) critiques the literature of the civil religion thesis, in particular the thinking of Rousseau, Durkheim, and the American sociologist Robert Bellah, and argues for a reinterpretation of Rousseau and ...
Innovation is an evergreen topic because it is such an essential ingredient for successful growth—and this book provides a new and fascinating perspective on how new innovations can best be found and developed Managers from all kinds of ...
Debunking myths and revealing truths, these essays give context to various individual, family, and social dynamics in the black community.
The Cultural and Political Intersection of Fair Trade and Justice is an ethnographic study of the effects of Fair Trade on indigenous women, as reported by the women themselves, and seeks to develop a deeper understanding of Fair Trade, ...
This book's critical analyses of Amazon.com trace the political economy of the platform, the practices of resistance that laborers and activists have employed against it, the broader cultural impacts it has had on everyday life, and its ...
This pioneering book explores the intersections of law and culture at the International Criminal Court (ICC), offering insights into how notions of culture affect the Court’s legal foundations, functioning and legitimacy, both in theory ...