"The American public hungers for a heroic leader. From John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush, every American president has left office either under a cloud or as a failed leader. Michael A. Genovese argues that presidents are set up for failure; it is not specific presidents but the presidency itself that is the problem.The presidency was designed to prevent tyranny through a system of separation of powers that inhibits presidents from exercising sufficient power to meet the demands and expectations that developed over time. Each new president dreams of success, only to be crushed by the paralytic weight of vetoes and roadblocks. As they fail to meet expectations, Americans turn on them, making their already precarious position much worse. Given the perilous nature of the office, Genovese examines the skills required to achieve success and the roles of power and persuasion. He also examines how globalization and the rapid pace of change contribute to the decline of presidential power.This accessible synthesis of scholarship is geared toward an audience that is hungry to unravel the dilemmas of presidential leadership. Students of the presidency will find it insightful; general readers will find it illuminating."--Provided by publisher.
How presidents forged the American century This book examines the foreign policy decisions of the presidents who presided over the most critical phases of America's rise to world primacy in the twentieth century, and assesses the ...
As shocking as it may sound, during the 2004 and 2008 election; citizens of the United States have gotten their chance to witness for the first time that, "Now it's Time for a Change, A New Generation of Leadership for President in America.
Genovese, Michael, ed. Presidential Leadership in an Age of Change. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017. Genovese, Michael, and Todd Belt. The Post-Heroic Presidency: Leveraged Leadership in an Age of Limits. Denver, Co: Praeger, 2016.
In today’s polarized world, these stories of authentic leadership in times of apprehension and fracture take on a singular urgency. “Goodwin’s volume deserves much praise—it is insightful, readable, compelling: Her book arrives just ...
Deal. Democrats. Relying as it did on pro-business prosperity and ... third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). of economic ...
Gates includes advice on tailoring reform to the operative culture (we see how Gates worked within the system to increase diversity at Texas A & M); effecting change within committees; engaging the power of compromise ("In the real world of ...
So you've gotten yourself elected president--now what? Help is here in the form of an imaginary memo from your former professor, who integrates the works of the great thinkers (Aristotle,...
This book systematically examines the first terms of every president from FDR to Barack Obama and assesses the leadership style and policy agenda of each.
Case Studies in Presidential Leadership Maxmillian Angerholzer III, James Kitfield, Norman Ornstein, Stephen Skowronek ... Sixth Edition (2009), and The Democratic Debate: American Politics in an Age of Change, fifth Edition (2010).
This study aims to demonstrate that presidents are persistent agents of change, continually disrupting and transforming the political landscape.