A novel approach to traditional subjects, the wide variety of opinions, and the extensive introductory material lift this book out of the ordinary “readings" class, and will reward the reader with understanding and appreciation of a complex subject. This collection of 37 provocative selections on human communication shares with the reader the experience and insights of some of the best minds in the discipline. The selections for the most part deal with traditional communication topics in a novel way. For example, in the chapter on verbal communication, there is a selection on profane language; in the chapter on nonverbal communication, there is a section entitled “The Silent Language of Love”; in the chapter on small group communication, there’s the Parkinson article on laws in groups; and in the chapter on mass communication, there’s one on today’s interest in sexually oriented magazines. The entire spectrum of topics usually found in beginning courses in speech communication is here. An extensive Section Two includes discussion on the psychological and transactional analysis views of communication. A brief introduction precedes each section focusing on the key ideas of each reading. Sources include the Journal of Communication, Industry Week, Journalism Quarterly, Psychology Today, Supervisory Management, Journal of Social Issues, Harvard Business Review, and Today's Speech.
Fromme , D. K. , Jaynes , W. E. , Taylor , D. K. , Hanold , E. G. , Daniell , J. , Rountree , J. R. , & Fromme , M. L. ( 1989 ) . Nonverbal behavior and attitudes toward touch . Journal of Nonverbal Behavior , 13 , 3-14 .
In this original and provocative account of the evolutionary origins of human communication, Michael Tomasello connects the fundamentally cooperative structure of human communication (initially discovered by Paul Grice) to the especially ...
From Gloria J. Galanes and John K. Brilhart , Communicating in Groups , 2d ed . Copyright © 1993 Times Mirror Higher Education Group , Inc. All Rights Reserved . Reprinted by permission . Manufacturing Division Sales Division Sales ...
"This book discusses the advent of social interactive television with its complex opportunities and challenges for media researchers and others today"--Provided by publisher.
Overt argument intimacy , the opposite occurs . and conflict are hallmarks of this stage . Knapp believes that when differentiation quickly follows bonding , bonding may have taken place too rapidly , before the partners were able to ...
Lim, T., and Choi, S.H. (1996) Interpersonal Relationships in Korea, in W.B. Gudykunst, S. Ting-Toomey and T. Nishida (eds) Communication in Personal Relationships across Cultures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Trans-per, Understanding Human Communication
The second edition of Communicating includes a new introduction, updates to take account of recent work, an additional chapter covering ethereal non-verbal non-bodily communicating such as telepathy and dreams, fresh illustrations, a new ...
The Dynamics of Human Communication: A Laboratory Approach
The Nature of Human Communication