This is a social and cultural analysis of community life in metropolitan areas of three nations--the United States, Sweden, and England. The author focuses on how environment and culture interact to shape human behavior. Despite their many similarities, the three societies offer remarkably contrasting urban forms, and thus provide a unique opportunity for comparative research. The findings suggest goals for urban community development in America that can help regain a sense of human scale and establish more meaningful face-to-face contact among urban dwellers. David Popenoe is professor of sociology at Rutgers University. He has had visiting appointments in the Centre for Environment Studies (London), the University of Stockholm, New York University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Among his other books are: Distributing the Nest: Family Change and Decline in Modern Societies; The Suburban Environment: Sweden and the United States; Neighborhood, City and Metropolis; The Urban Industrial Frontier and a basic text on sociology that will soon appear in its seventh edition.
A social and cultural analysis of community life in metropolitan areas of the USA, Sweden and England.
Common Interest Communities: Private Governments and the Public Interest
Private Pleasure , Public Plight : American metropolitan community life in comparative perspective . New Brunswick , NJ : Transaction Books . Reich , R. ( 1991 ) . Secession of the successful . New York Times Magazine , January 20 ...
This book is about the "public realm," defined as a particular kind of social territory that is found almost exclusively in large settlements.
See Robert William Fogel , The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2000 ) , 121 . 33. Samuel P. Hays , Conservation and the Gospel of Efficiency : The Progressive ...
A comprehensive guide to the scope of contemporary urban design theory in Europe and the USA.
Park's student and collaborator, Ernest W. Burgess, shared his mentor's quest to find the regularities and patterns in social life that natural scientists were discovering in the natural world. In his 1925 essay, “The Growth of the ...
We hear of journalism as a “ makeable truth , ” a bastion against the death of journalism , a provider of the ... Is it not wrongheaded now - 60 years later - to claim that journalism be made the primary watchdog of the polity ?
164. Thomas Pangle, The Spirit of Modern Republicanism: The Moral Vision of the American Founders and the Philosophy of Locke (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988). John Dunn, The Political ...
This book spotlights, analyzes and explains varying forms and patterns of state-society relations on the African continent, taking as point of departure the complexities created by the emergence, proliferation and complicated interactions ...