The concept of media logic, a theoretical framework for explaining the relationship between mass media and culture, was first introduced in Altheide and Snow's influential work, Media Logic. In Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era, the authors expand their analysis of how organizational considerations promote a distinctive media logic, which in turn is conductive to a media culture. They trace the ethnography of that media culture, including the knowledge, techniques, and assumptions that encourage media professionals to acquire particular cognitive and evaluative criteria and thereby present events primarily for the media's own ends.
Media Worlds in the Era of Postjournalism
Articulated through an interactionist and non-deterministic focus, 'An Ecology of Communication' offers a distinctive perspective for understanding the impact of information technology, communication formats, and social activities in the ...
Articulated through an interactionist and non-deterministic focus, 'An Ecology of Communication' offers a distinctive perspective for understanding the impact of information technology, communication formats, and social activities in the ...
... 14 Roscho, B., 82, 251 Rosenblum, B., 96, 251 Rosengren, K., 90, 251 Roszak, T., 206 Rote, K., 58 Roth, W., 143, 147-148 Rourke, F., 142, 251 Rozelle, P., 223, 228 RTNDA, 99 Rubin, J., 244 Sachs, C, 14, 251 Sachsman, D., 251 Safire, ...
This volume, which attempts to break the circle of fear discourse, will be of interest to sociologists, communications scholars, and criminologists.
This is neither a cyclical crisis nor a matter of transition; this is the end of an era.
The Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World focuses on the news coverage of national elections in democracies around the globe.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 509–29. ... 'IT Consulting and Outsourcing Firms: Evolution, Business Models and Future Prospects', in M. Kipping and T. Clark (eds.) ... The Oxford Handbook of Business and the Natural Environment.
Über Kompromisse – und faule Kompromisse. Berlin: Suhrkamp. Marschall, Stefan. 1998. Netzöffentlichkeit – Eine demokratische Alternative? In Demokratie und Internet, ed. Winand Gellner and Fritz von Korff, 43–54. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Healey, K. (2010). The pastor in the basement: Discourses of authenticity in the networked public sphere. Symbolic Interaction, 33(4), 526-551. Hellman, M. (2008). Black eye: The ethics of CBS news and the National Guard documents.