Anime is a quintessentially Japanese form of animation consisting of both hand drawn and computer-generated imagery, and is often characterised by colourful graphics, vibrant characters, and fantastical themes. As an increasingly globalising expression of popular art and entertainment, and distributed through cinema, television, and over the internet, anime series and films have an enormous following, not only in Japan but also in Asia. This book provides a comprehensive survey of the historical development, industrial structure, and technical features of Japanese animation and of the overall dynamics of its globalisation in key contexts of the Asian region. Specific chapters cover anime’s production logics, its features as an ‘emotion industry’, and the involvement of a range of Asian countries in the production, consumption, and cultural impact of Japanese animation.
Animation has had a global renaissance during the 1990s, and nowhere is this more evident than in Asia. With the exception of China and Japan, most Asian nations are relatively new to this art form.
" - Harvey Deneroff, Savannah College of Art and Design, Atlanta, Georgia "This is a valuable study that transcends most of its predecessors by situating Japanese anime in its cultural context and providing detailed insight into the lives ...
Presented in six sections, the translated essays cross-reference each other. The collection adopts a wide range of critical, historical, practical, and experimental approaches.
A concise introduction to the complex world of Japanese Animation. This book reveals the hidden meaning behind many culture-specific themes and also explains the socio-political importance of the animation industry.
"Dao, a red panda, guides Ethan and Emma, two school children, back into time to discover how Japanese animation and comics were created and became popular worldwide"-- "Children will be inspired by the bold, colorful illustrations by Juan ...
Become an expert on cultural details commonly seen in Japanese animation, movies, comics and TV shows.
The first half of the book looks at contents and audiences of Malay humor magazines, cultural labor in Korean animation, the reception of Aladdin in Islamic Southeast Asia, and a Singaporean comic book as a reflection of that society’s ...
This makes the book not only fun for children, but also for adults, as they can flip through and remember beloved childhood characters. The story moves along with bright bold illustrations by Juan Calle.
This collection charts the terrain of contemporary Japanese animation, one of the most explosive forms of visual culture to emerge at the crossroads of transnational cultural production in the last twenty-five years.
Despite this, Oshii is known as a maverick within anime: a self-proclaimed 'stray dog'. This is the first book to take an in-depth look at his major films, from Urusei Yatsura to Avalon .