International Aviation Law: A Practical Guide explains the international context and application of the law as it applies to commercial and recreational aviation, and to the broader aviation environment. It provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of aviation law, from criminal law to contract law, to the legal duties and responsibility of aircrew and other aviation personnel including airport operators, air traffic controllers and aircraft engineers. Each area of the law is clearly explained in accessible language and supported with practical case studies to illustrate the application of the law within an operational aviation context. It also provides advice on how to avoid or minimize legal liability for those working in the aviation industry. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, this second edition adds new material on subjects such as unmanned aircraft systems, ASEAN’s Single Aviation Market, common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers, and a discussion on the impact of Brexit to the UK’s aviation market and legal status.
"This book offers a compact - yet exhaustive - and easily comprehensible reference book that deals with the most general aspects of international air law, as well as with the constitutional issues and law-making functions of the ...
Beneath this are hundreds of domestic regulatory regimes that also apply national and international rules in disparate ways. The result is an agglomeration of legal cultures that can leave even experienced lawyers and academics perplexed.
It is, rather, the related facts that London Heathrow, the world's busiest international airport, operates suboptimally with only two runways and that the U.K. Government will not countenance construction ofany more.184 Airport ...
Whish and Bailey, Competition Law (2018), at 92–96. See, with respect to vertical agreements having the object of distorting competition, CJEU, Miller International Schallplatten GmbH v. EU Commission, [1978] ECR 131, [1978] 2 CMLR 334; ...
This book offers an extraordinary wealth of information, from the ground up, of the law governing and regulating air transport today, with a strong emphasis on international aviation.
I would prescribe this book to my graduate students as compulsory reading for their course in Aero-political and legal Environment.and_ Dr Ruwantissa Abeyratne
Ludwig Weber, International Civil Aviation Organisation: An Introduction (ISBN 978-90-411-2622-1). 3. Niels van Antwerpen, Cross-Border Provision of Air Navigation Services with Specific Reference to Europe: Safeguarding Transparent ...
The four volumes of the Encyclopaedia of International Aviation Law are intended for students, lawyers, judges, scholars and readers of all backgrounds with an interest in Aviation Law; and to provide the definitive corpus of relevant ...
The selected essays, collected by editor Professor Cheng Chia-Jui, provide a comprehensive survey of international air law, authoritative and pioneering analyses of international air transport, the legal status of aircraft and crimes on ...
Since the first edition of the book in 2008, there have been significant developments in aviation law, public policy, and technology.