Macroeconomics in Context

Macroeconomics in Context
Macroeconomics in Context
Business & Economics
Jonathan M. Harris, Brian Roach, Neva Goodwin


Macroeconomics in Context lays out the principles of macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Microeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic realities. The "in Context" books offer engaging coverage of current topics including financial crises, rising inequality, debt and deficits, and environmental sustainability, while also providing a clear and accessible exploration of economic theory and applications. The third edition features: Clear explanations of basic economic concepts alongside more in-depth analysis of macroeconomics models and economic activity Expanded coverage of topics including, inequality, financialization and debt issues, the changing nature of jobs, and sustainable development Thoroughly updated figures and data A full complement of online instructor and student support materials such as additional tables and data, PowerPoint slides and a study guide This engaging textbook offers students an excellent guide to macroeconomics. The latest addition to the "In Context" series, it combines real-world relevance with a thorough grounding in multiple economic paradigms. The book's companion website is available at:

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