The Director’s Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to the role of the theatrical director. Following the chronology of the directing process, the book discusses each stage in precise detail, considering the selection and analysis of the script, the audition process, casting, character development, rehearsals, how to self-evaluate a production and everything in between. Drawing on the author’s own experience in multiple production roles, the book highlights the relationship between the director, stage manager and designer, exploring how the director should be involved in all elements of the production process. Featuring a unique exploration of directing in special circumstances, the book includes chapters on directing nonrealistic plays, musicals, alternative theatre configurations, and directing in an educational environment. The book includes detailed illustrations, step-by-step checklists, and opportunities for further exploration, offering a well-rounded foundation for aspiring directors.
This book guides readers though the step-by-step processes of technical direction and the responsibilities of the TD in the mounting of a theatrical production.
This book walks you through the core components of getting up to speed and then provides templates, sample documents, checklists, and other resources that will make your job easier.
... Teshner |Homeless/Ensemble E E E E E E Dan Liska Homeless/Bells Solo/Ensemble +H- E E E E E E | +H- Matthew Matuseski |Paul/Vendor l/Pastor/Ensemble E E E E E E Shannon McDonald Vendor 2/Mrs. J/Moon Backup/Ens E E E E E E Christine ...
"Our theater world is so much better with this book in it, and even better with Cary and Jay at the helm." –David Stewart, Director of Production for the Guthrie Theater The Production Manager’s Toolkit is a comprehensive introduction ...
Shots Involved: 1 CUH (06) 2 CUT (06) 32S & Laptop (06) Dialogue: Synopsis: Helen, suspicious of her husband's potentially adulterous behaviour, is trying to persuade Tim to have a look into her husband's computer.
A how-to guide leading the prop master through planning, pre-production, production, and post-production procedures, budgeting, collaborations with designers and other production areas, and planning a prop shop from the layout of the spaces ...
This book offers corporate writers, producers and directors an accessibly-written, hands-on guide to practical techniques important in producing high-quality, nuanced work in a corporate environment.
This Toolkit provides an overall framework with practical tools and information to help policymakers design and implement corporate governance reforms for state-owned enterprises.
This book will help you define more precisely how ten dimensions of organizational climate shape the quality of work life for staff.
This book is essential reading for members of boards, councils or assemblies, trustees and other professionals interested in governance, senior managers, investors, lawyers and students of governance.