This is the more practical approach to engineering mechanics that deals mainly withtwo-dimensional problems, since these comprise the great majority of engineering situationsand are the necessary foundation for good design practice. The format developedfor this textbook, moreover, has been devised to benefit from contemporary ideas ofproblem solving as an educational tool. In both areas dealing with statics and dynamics,theory is held apart from applications, so that practical engineering problems, whichmake use of basic theories in various combinations, can be used to reinforce theoryand demonstrate the workings of static and dynamic engineering situations.In essence a traditional approach, this book makes use of two-dimensional engineeringdrawings rather than pictorial representations. Word problems are included in the latterchapters to encourage the student's ability to use verbal and graphic skills interchangeably.SI units are employed throughout the text.This concise and economical presentation of engineering mechanics has been classroomtested and should prove to be a lively and challenging basic textbook for two onesemestercourses for students in mechanical and civil engineering. Applied EngineeringMechanics: Statics and Dynamics is equally suitable for students in the second or thirdyear of four-year engineering technology programs.
Applied Engineering Mechanics
The gas laws; vapors, steam-engine, and boiler; and internal combustion engines are also deliberated in this text. This volume is valuable to engineering students, as well as researchers conducting work on applied mechanics.
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics.
Applied Engineering Mechanics: Statistics
This volume will serve as a useful textbook for undergraduates and engineering students studying engineering mechanics.
This Book Of Applied Mechanics Is Intended For Students Of Engineering, Taking A First Course In The Subject Of Engineering Mechanics.
Applied Engineering Mechanics
In the last decade, the number of complex problems facing engineers has increased, and the technical knowledge required to address and mitigate them continues to evolve rapidly.
Adequately equipped with numerous solved problems and exercises, this book provides sufficient material for a two-semester course. The book is essentially designed for all engineering students.
This edition features 7% more problems, an enhanced layout and design and a logical, disciplined approach that gives readers a sound background in core statics and dynamics competencies.