The new second edition of this distinctive and widely adopted textbook brings into the classroom an overview of how images of social problems can shape not only public policy and social services, but also the ways in which we make sense of ourselves and others. It introduces two primary changes. First, some attention is devoted to the "new social movements" that emphasize social change through identity transformation rather than through structural change. Second, the text now also looks more closely at the importance of emotions in constructing public consciousness of social problems.When the first edition was published, Teaching Sociology noted, "Loseke does a superb job explaining the relationship between sociology and social problems in a text that is very well research and engaging, yet with tremendous attention to detail and accuracy... [W]ould provide a solid base for any social problems class." Contemporary Sociology wrote that the book is "engagingly well written in a personal, unpretentious style, and well informed by the author's knowledge of the professional literature."
This compact and lucid primer describes barriers to clear thinking, and introduces students to sound techniques for intelligent reasoning about social problems.
This collection of focused essays is directed at several levels of students of social problems.
MARK S. KAPLAN women with AIDS in New York City are black or Hispanic . AIDS is already the biggest single cause of death in New York City among black and Hispanic women aged 25 to 29 , and by 1991 , AIDS is likely to be the leading ...
New Publication Coming Soon
Explores how standardized images of problems and people inform and shape social services for women who have been assaulted.
This student-friendly text delivers the core concepts of Social Problems in a way they can easily understand. The 2nd edition includes three new chapters: "Economy and Work," "Politics," and "Sex and Social Problems Related to Sexuality.
Updated with recent issues such as the national debate on health care reform, this Second Edition of How Can We Solve Our Social Problems? gives students a sense of hope by demonstrating specific, realistic steps we can take to solve some ...
This book will help to resuscitate these intuitive capabilities and strengthen them in the fire of facing our toughest problems."—Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline Concrete guidance on how to incorporate systems thinking in ...
Seeing Social Problems: The Hidden Stories Behind Contemporary Issues shows students how to think about social problems in a new way, by carefully analyzing headline-making issues they are already familiar with and illustrating the ...
Goode ( 1963 ) argues that as love became the focus of marriage , it strengthened the husband - wife ( conjugal ) bond at ... Paul ( 2002 ) defines " starter marriages " as marriages which end in divorce usually within five years of the ...