Communication Sciences and Disorders: An Introduction to the Professions

Communication Sciences and Disorders: An Introduction to the Professions
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Language Arts & Disciplines
Psychology Press
Dale F. Williams


Few activities can match the complexity of human communication. Given its intricacy, it is understandable that the process will not always work properly. When it doesn't, the effects can be devastating, given how much of everyday life depends on communicating with one another. Despite its importance, however, much is still unclear about how we turn thoughts into language and then speech. Debates rage over various components of the communication system. Myths abound, most based on nothing more than speculation and misinformation. It all makes for a fascinating area of study and practice, particularly when considering the importance of the topic. This book provides readers with the basics of human communication without shying away from the controversies. Dale F. Williams, Ph.D. utilizes a panel of internationally recognized experts in all areas of the field to clearly explain normal communication as well as disorders of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing. Topics that overlap all disorders—diagnosis, treatment, research, ethics, work settings, and multicultural issues—are also covered in a reader-friendly style. In addition to the relevant information on human communication, the book also includes first-hand accounts of both people with disorders and those who work with them. Discussion questions are posed to help readers explore the gray areas and additional readings are described for those wishing to research specific topics. In these ways, readers are provided with information that truly helps them to understand communication sciences and disorders from a variety of perspectives. Communication Sciences and Disorders: An Introduction to the Professions is essential reading for anyone contemplating a career in speech-language pathology or audiology. In addition, the clear and entertaining writing style makes the field, in all its complexity, accessible to anyone with even a passing interest in the process of human communication.

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