Previous editions of this popular textbook offered an accessible and practical introduction to numerical analysis. An Introduction to Numerical Methods: A MATLAB® Approach, Fourth Edition continues to present a wide range of useful and important algorithms for scientific and engineering applications. The authors use MATLAB to illustrate each numerical method, providing full details of the computed results so that the main steps are easily visualized and interpreted. This edition also includes a new chapter on Dynamical Systems and Chaos. Features Covers the most common numerical methods encountered in science and engineering Illustrates the methods using MATLAB Presents numerous examples and exercises, with selected answers at the back of the book
Praise for the First Edition ". . . outstandingly appealing with regard to its style, contents, considerations of requirements of practice, choice of examples, and exercises." —Zentrablatt Math ". . . carefully structured with many ...
Computation, approximation, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, smoothing of data, more. Includes 150 additional problems in this edition.
Introduction to numerical analysis combining rigour with practical applications. Numerous exercises plus solutions.
On the occasion of this new edition, the text was enlarged by several new sections.
This Second Edition of a standard numerical analysis text retains organization of the original edition, but all sections have been revised, some extensively, and bibliographies have been updated. New topics...
This book provides an extensive introduction to numerical computing from the viewpoint of backward error analysis.
This book shows how to derive, test and analyze numerical methods for solving differential equations, including both ordinary and partial differential equations.
Praise for the First Edition ". . . outstandingly appealing with regard to its style, contents, considerations of requirements of practice, choice of examples, and exercises."—Zentralblatt MATH ". . . carefully structured with many ...
The principal goal of this book is to furnish the background needed to generate numerical solutions to a variety of problems.
This book is an introduction to numerical analysis and intends to strike a balance between analytical rigor and the treatment of particular methods for engineering problems Emphasizes the earlier stages of numerical analysis for engineers ...