Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions: Global Experiences

Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions: Global Experiences
Language Arts & Disciplines
Eric Freedman, Robyn S. Goodman, Elanie Steyn


This book provides case studies, many incorporating in-depth interviews and surveys of journalists. It examines issues such as journalists’ attitudes toward their contributions to society; the impact of industry and technological changes; culture and minority issues in the newsroom and profession; the impact of censorship and self-censorship; and coping with psychological pressures and physical safety dilemmas. Its chapters also highlight journalists’ challenges in national and multinational contexts. International scholars, conducting research within a wide range of authoritarian, semi-democratic, and democratic systems, contributed to this examination of journalistic practices in the Arab World, Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, India, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Samoa, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States.

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