The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume I: Development introduces the many voices necessary to better understand the act of singing—a complex human behaviour that emerges without deliberate training. Presenting research from the social sciences and humanities alongside that of the natural sciences and medicine alike, this companion explores the relationship between hearing sensitivity and vocal production, in turn identifying how singing is integrated with sensory and cognitive systems while investigating the ways we test and measure singing ability and development. Contributors consider the development of singing within the context of the entire lifespan, focusing on its cognitive, social, and emotional significance in four parts: Musical, historical and scientific foundations Perception and production Multimodality Assessment In 2009, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded a seven-year major collaborative research initiative known as Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS). Together, global researchers from a broad range of disciplines addressed three challenging questions: How does singing develop in every human being? How should singing be taught and used to teach? How does singing impact wellbeing? Across three volumes, The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing consolidates the findings of each of these three questions, defining the current state of theory and research in the field. Volume I: Development tackles the first of these three questions, tracking development from infancy through childhood to adult years.
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume II: Education examines the many methods and motivations for vocal pedagogy, promoting singing not just as an art form but also as a means of communication with social, ...
... 41 Rímur: Árgali society 152; defined 147–148; Idunn society 150–151; pre-20th. century performance 149–150 ring ... M. 200 Rossing., T. D. 284 Roy Palmer English Folk Music Collection 99 Rubin, D. C. 32,366, 368 Rubin-Rabson, ...
Co-editors provide a concluding chapter that synthesizes key points from the chapters in the book, represents an advance beyond the introduction, and offers a new theoretical perspective as well as take-home messages for public policy in ...
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume II: Education examines the many methods and motivations for vocal pedagogy, promoting singing not just as an art form but also as a means of communication with social, ...
Children's home musical experiences across the world. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Joseph, D., & Trinick, R. (2016). Promoting cultural understandings through song across the Tasman: Pre-service primary teacher education.
International Society for Music Education Research Commission Conference, João Pessoa, Brazil. Family musical support. Ilari, B., & Young, S. (Eds.). (2016). Children's home musical experiences across the world. Indiana University Press ...
Based on Esther Salaman's (1999) approaches to singing, we need to 'go back to be a baby'. ... Two, Three, Two, One (to the notes cdedc) One, Two, Three, Four, Three, Two, One (to the notes Overcoming Barriers to Singing 101.
This volume, the first to tackle Heidegger and music, features contributions from philosophers, musicians, educators, and musicologists from many countries throughout the world, utilizes Heidegger’s philosophy to shed light on the place ...
Songs and Signs: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cultural Transmission and Inheritance in Human and Nonhuman Animals
... Singing in South African Schools.” In The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume 2: Education, edited by Helga R. Gudmundsdottir, Carol Beynon, Karen M. Ludke, and Annabel J. Cohen, 123–133. New York: Routledge ...