The Law of Public Communication

The Law of Public Communication
The Law of Public Communication
Taylor & Francis
William E. Lee, Daxton R. Stewart, Jonathan Peters


Updated to reflect new developments through 2019, the tenth edition of The Law of Public Communication provides an overview of communication and media law that includes the most current legal developments. It explains the laws affecting the daily work of writers, broadcasters, PR practitioners, photographers, and other public communicators. By providing statutes and cases in an accessible manner, even to students studying law for the first time, the authors ensure that students will acquire a firm grasp of the legal issues affecting the media. This new edition features color photos, as well as breakout boxes that apply the book’s principles to daily life. The new case studies discussed often reflect new technologies and professional practices, including hot topics such as cyber bullying, drones, government surveillance, campaign financing, advertising, and digital libel. The Law of Public Communication is an ideal core textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in communication law and mass media law. A downloadable test bank is available for instructors at

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