Essentials of Integrating the Language Arts, Fifth Edition, offers students all the practical tools they need to be effective language arts teachers, supported by the necessary theoretical foundation. Like its predecessors, this edition presents a comprehensive approach to teaching the language arts, balancing direct instruction in the communication arts and integrating the language arts with other content areas such as music, art, mathematics, social studies, and science. It explores the important topics of community and caregiver involvement in education and offers thoughtful coverage of diversity in the schools. Practical teaching ideas are found in every chapter. The 5th Edition reflects current teaching practices, field knowledge, and research. Significant changes include: A more streamlined approach to allow readers to move quickly from learning chapter concepts and related theory and research to understanding how they are applied in classroom practices, activities, and strategies Discussion of standards, including the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), with the goal of showing readers how they can apply standards in the classroom to help meet their students' needs New teaching activities that support the chapter topics and align with the CCSS An appendix with more than 25 classroom assessment tools Discussion of current, quality children's and young adult literature, including informational texts, supported by an appendix of annotated lists of books by genre Key Features "In the Classroom" vignettes, describing real teachers implementing language arts strategies and activities with their students "RRP" (Read Research Practice) boxed features, offering ideas for activities and projects "Teaching Activities," which future teachers can use in their own classrooms "Field and Practicum Activities," which readers can use now in field and practicum settings Discussions of technology and websites, to help readers prepare to integrate technology in their own classrooms
Pearson , P. D. , & Fielding , L. ( 1982 ) . Research update : Listening comprehension . Language Arts , 59 ( 6 ) , 617-629 . Piazza , C. ( 1999 ) . Multiple forms of literacy : Teaching literacy and the other arts .
This book presents a comprehensive view of teaching the language arts, with attention both to direct instruction in communication skills and to the integration of language curricula with other subject areas.
Fables are brief stories that teach a lesson and usually conclude with a moral such as Pinkney's Aesop's Fables (2000) and Ross's Foxy Fables (1986). Legends and tall tales are labeled legends when based on stories of real or supposedly ...
This new book from the leading name in literacy and language arts has been crafted to provide concise, critical information for teaching the language arts, backed by the most current...
Integrating the Language Arts
To order this book WITH MyEducationLab, use either ISBN: ISBN-13: 9780137147762ISBN-10: 0137147767To order this book WITHOUT MyEducationLab use either ISBN: ISBN-13: 9780131597891ISBN-10: 0131597892
Snyder, T. D. and Hoffman, C. M. (2002). Digest of education statistics 2001 (No. NCES 2000-130). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of ... Willis, D., and Willis, l. (2001). Task-based language learning. In R. Carter and D. Nunan (Eds.), ...
High school students develop economic perspectives and deeper understanding of key economic concepts and processes through systematic study of a range of economic and sociopolitical systems, with particular emphasis on the examination ...
Language Arts , 61 ( 8 ) , 804-812 . Raphael , T. E. ( Ed . ) ( 1986 ) . The contexts of school - based literacy . New York : Random House . Ringler , L. H. , & Weber , C. K. ( 1984 ) . A language - thinking approach to reading ...
The second edition of this book continues to present a brief, yet thorough examination of the major aspects of the Language Arts.