Modern armed conflict has taken a variety of forms and occurs at a variety of levels, raising serious questions concerning the relationship between the law of armed conflict and the reality of contemporary warfare. Many contemporary armed conflicts are fought in pursuit of unlimited objectives, whereas other modern wars seek to advance limited goals. While in some cases modern wars are fought by traditional armies composed of clearly identifiable soldiers, often modern armed conflicts are waged by guerrilla or partisan fighters whose identities are easily confused with non-combatants. Terrorism is increasingly a characteristic manifestation of this contemporary warfare. In the broadest sense, contemporary warfare has raised often controversial and vexing questions concerning the applicability of the law of armed conflict and, when applicable, the interpretation of its principles and tenets. This engaging volume addresses some of the contemporary normative and legal challenges and problems associated with the application of the concepts of just war, the just conduct of war, and the law of armed conflict to 21st century warfare.
"Published under the auspices of the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law."
The Routledge Handbook of the Law of Armed Conflict provides a fresh take on the contemporary laws of war and is written for advanced level students, academics, researchers, NGOs and policy-makers with an interest in the field.
This book introduces students to the essential questions of the law of armed conflict and international humanitarian law.
Written by a team of distinguished and internationally renowned experts, this Oxford Handbook gives an analytical overview of international law as it applies in armed conflicts.
... Robert Ault, Richard Whitaker, Charles Garraway, Bonnie Docherty, Mark Silverman, Charles Dunlap, Sean Watts, Gregory Gordon, ... Pete “Pene” Hayes, Phil Fluhr, Chris Fleming, John Danner, Kevin Brew, John Marley, and Tim Manning.
This book offers the most authoritative commentary and analysis of international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflict available.
This book provides a modern and basic introduction to a branch of international law constantly gaining in importance in international life, namely international humanitarian law (the law of armed conflict).
2016) [hereinafter DOD Law of War Manual] (discussing the military objective rule); DOD Law of Mar Manual, supra, ... J. Int'l L. 521 (2015) (discussing anticipated military advantage of targeted strikes on militants outside a “hot” ...
Ten years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2011, Rethinking the Law of Armed Conflict in an Age of Terrorism, edited by Christopher Ford and Amichai Cohen, brings together a range of interdisciplinary experts to examine the ...
This book includes a study of the history of mine warfare at sea from the earliest days to the present time. It will be of interest to military lawyers & to all those concerned with the conduct & control of warfare.