Since the late 1970s scholars and practitioners of international management have paid increasing attention to the impact of globalisation on the management of human resources across national boundaries. This collection of important articles and essays provides a comprehensive review and critique of developments and future directions in International Human Resource Management. Focusing on three major developments or approaches - Cross-Cultural Management, Comparative HRM and Strategic HRM, the volume explores challenges and opportunities facing researchers, international managers and employees.
This is an ideal foundation text for anyone studying or working in the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) arena. This text utilizes and incorporates most of what is currently known, researched or experienced in the field.
Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Sisson, K., Arrowsmith, J., & Marginson, P. (2003). All benchmarkers now? Benchmarking and the “Europeanisation” of industrial relations. Industrial Relations Journal, 34(1), 15–31.
This book is a new edition of the market leading text.
"International Human Resource Management is a textbook for undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students studying international human resource management, international management and international business."--Jacket.
Supported by new research, and including work from eminent writers in the field, this book discusses issues as diverse as the relative absence of women in international work, the ethical merits of localization, and the context faced by ...
Visit the companion website for PowerPoint slides, additional case studies, online journal articles and web links related to topics covered in the book.
Drawing on a large and respected international contributor base and with its focus on mature and emerging markets, this book is an essential resource for researchers, students and IHRM professionals alike.
The international author team have ensured this edition is even more international than its predecessors, whilst also remaining close to curriculum developments.
Drawing on practical experiences from around the world, this title shows companies how to design and implement a human resource strategy within the context of an overall business strategy for globalization.
This is truly a Global collection.