Mrs Shields was entitled to equal pay. By contrast, in Thomas v National Coal Board [1981] IRLR 451, the fact that the male comparator worked permanent nights unsupervised was a difference of practical importance, and Ms Thomas was ...
"An A-Z reference encyclopedia, with more than 200 entries defining and explaining employment and labor law topics.
This basic principle is illustrated by the early employment case of Washington, B. & A. R.R. v. ... Burton, Parsons & Co.4 In this case, an employee/inventor and his employer entered into a written employment contract for royalties to ...
"The SHRM Essential Guide to Employment Law presents in simple, straightforward language everything HR professionals, employers, and small business owners need to know about their relationship with their employees to comply with the law and ...
This book uses excerpts from real law cases to illustrate how labor-related disputes arise and are resolved in the courts.
Written specifically for students on the Bar Vocational course, the Bar manuals are updated regularly and are very popular with practitioners as well as students.
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT LAW: AN EMPLOYER'S GUIDE is the go-to guide for anyone who must contend with employment law in California as part of their day-to-day work, including employers based outside of California who have employees working in ...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of employment law and is a useful supplement to any employment law casebook. The book is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 examines who...
Essay from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Law, grade: 98.00, University of Phoenix, course: BIS 415 Business Law, language: English, abstract: Employment Law in the Automotive Dealership Employment law involves many ...
California Public Sector Employment Law