Natural Justice
Natural Justice: Principles and Practical Applications
This book lays out foundations for a "science of morals." Binmore uses game theory as a systematic tool for investigating ethical matters.
A History of Legal Theory in Practice R. H. Helmholz. objected. They thought the bonds should be enforced as written. Their position in this longrunning quarrel, however, was not an overt rejection of the law of nature.
Natural Justice
Cf. the notes on Rawls's 'primary goods', below. Rawls's 'thin theory' of good. . . Good, in this 'thin' sense, is what it is rational for one (anyone) to want whatever else one's preferences, wants, aims, etc. See Theory of Justice, ...
In this part of the book, Weinreb considers the theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick as well as the communitarian theory of Maclntyre and Sandel.
This book lays out foundations for a "science of morals." Binmore uses game theory as a systematic tool for investigating ethical matters.
Hadley Arkes, groundbreaking legal philosopher and acolyte of legendary political thinker Leo Strauss, takes a sledgehammer to both legal relativism and originalism, arguing that the principles the Founders embodied in the U.S. Constitution ...
The faculty of freedom, therefore, is named properly from choice, because the decisions of free choice, ... James A. Weisheipl, Thomas d'Aquino and Albert His Teacher (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1980), 7.