No matter what state a non-custodial parent may reside, they are still responsible for making timely child support payments. Grab this ebook today to learn everything you need to know.
This is a successful method tried and proven by Sean Gentile herself. Buy the book and you can even talk to Sean personally!
Robert Williams, Policy Studies, Inc.—a Denver- based consulting and research firm, took a little different approach to what was needed next.369 He believed that the focus of the 1984 amendments was enforcement.
"Child Support Survival Guide" is a vital companion and reference for anyone, rich or poor, concerned with child support.
This is important reading for anyone interested in political theory, public policy, and women's relationship to the state.
New Directions in Child Support: Child Support Assurance : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism of...
(g) “Number of children due support”, as used in the schedule of basic child support obligations specifies children for whom the parents share joint legal responsibility and for whom support is being sought. (h) “Other children” mean ...
Written Comments on the Downey-Hyde Child Support Enforcement and Assurance Proposal
Tens of thousands of parents who receive support are entitled to larger payments. And many parents who pay support qualify for a decrease due to changes in their income or...
In this volume, social scientists and legal scholars explore the issues underlying the child support debate, chief among them on the potential repercussions of stronger enforcement. Who are nonresident fathers?