The Clark County Chronicles

The Clark County Chronicles
Clark County (Ky.)
Rosemary Campbell


In many ways, the story of the settling of Clark County mirrored that of the rest of Kentucky and, indeed, the westward expansion of the country in general. Situated immediately north of Fort Boonesborough, the county served as a gateway for the pioneer settlement of central Kentucky. Its early history was filled with dangers and tragedies as well as the relentless will to survive and flourish. By the early 1900s, the children and grandchildren of Clark County's settlers were passing away, and along with them, their family stories and accounts of this early history. Almost a hundred years ago, the Clark County Historical Society was organized in 1922 with the goal of seeking to preserve our heritage. Two months later the group began producing The Clark County Chronicles, a series of articles focusing on the early history of our county. The columns first appeared in The Winchester Sun and were presented over the course of several years during the early 1920s; The Sun republished them in the 1980s. The Bluegrass Heritage Museum, home of today's Clark County Historical Society, feels it is time for the community to revisit the Chronicles, but for the first time all the articles have been combined in one book, illustrated and indexed.

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