This study gives a broad reinterpretation of television's role and influence on democratic societies in a time of increased globalization of the media. Covering developments in both the USA and Europe, it examines the relationship between television and society, and predicts TV's future.
The BBC's Programme Responsibilities Towards Adolescents and Young Adults: A Study for the BBC General Advisory Council
Select Committee on Community Standards Relevant to the Supply of Services Utilising Telecommunications Technology [i.e. Technologies]: (official Hansard Report).
Switching Channels: The Debate Over the Future of Broadcasting
The Committee supports the broad purposes of the draft Bill, but believes its recommendations would make the bill a better document, and ensure more focused and constructive consideration of the final bill in its passage through Parliament.
This book presents the main results of an extensive programme of research that was financed by the European Commission.
Media in Sudan at a Crossroads: Assessment and Outline of a Strategy for Media Support
In Missed Opportunities, Marc Raboy reveals the short-sightedness behind the traditional view of Canadian broadcasting policy as an instrument for promoting a national identity and culture.
There are four areas of the draft Bill that might be thought to have a significant regulatory impact: the creation of OFCOM as a single regulator; spectrum trading; TV and radio services; media ownership.
Other Voices is a significant study of an emerging alternative media scene in India in the larger context of the globalisation of mass communication.
Zimbabwe: A Survey