This exposition is excerpted from the Large Catechism. This text is in the public domain and may be accessed at
Martin Luther's Exposition of the Lord's Prayer
When asked by his barber and good friend, Peter Beskendorf, for some practical guidance on how to prepare oneself for prayer, Luther responded by writing this brief treatise, first published in the spring of 1535.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
The Lord's Prayer is for many people a mere collection of words that has been repeated so often that is has lost its meaning.
The deplorable destitution which I recently observed, during a visitation of the churches, has impelled and constrained me to prepare this Catechism or Christian Doctrine in such a small and simple form.
Luther and Prayer
Do not be anxious -- When you pray -- Blessed are.
* A classic now revised and available in a paperback edition * Includes prayers, Scripture verses, and questions for reflection
Martin Luther's witness that the Word of God is life urges us to have absolute confidence in a God who pours out the grace that sets us free.
Towns reveals the power of prayer in this fascinating look at the Lord's Prayer.