Ultimately, writes Lyotard, prose proper should tend to the ?deritualized short story?, where differends are not dissipated but neutralized, persisting in their contradiction. For such a ?prose is the people of anecdotes?, & thus the oppressor ? everything from the cockwombles who produce television shows to the cockwombles who produce psychiatry, nationalism, and religion - will always come up against the free life of phrases and genres in the prose that is the people. The oppressor will come up against revolutionary and innovative prose like that of Jennifer S. Chesler. By David McLean, editor This book is published via Lulu by Nickel Hole Press.
Chase wishes he could remember the events of his accident, but when the memories begin to come back in his dreams, Chase must face the reality of his past and finally deal with the part he played in the tragic event.
A funeral where the dead are definitely not laid to rest. Ranging from the terrifying to the comedic, from the erotic to the loathsome, these stories showcase Junji Ito’s long-awaited return to the world of horror.
A memoir of the Holocaust recounts the experiences of a small boy whose father is killed in front of him, is separated from his family, and is sent to the Majdanek death camp, surrounded by bewildering terrors of life "Thi
This volume gathers together the poems of Nicander, which includes the original Greek poetry with a parallel page translation.
So why isn't that how it happened? Don't miss this short story collection bridging the gaps between Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel!
The second installment in the pulse-pounding Partials saga is the story of the eleventh hour of humanity's time on Earth, a journey deep into places unknown to discover the means—and even more important, a reason—for our survival.
Mrs Powell faced a dilemma: keep the whole class waiting for another bus or trust Terese and Caddie to wait for an hour until she could return and collect them. Sure enough, in an hour's time they were sitting exactly where they'd been ...
Marilyn Monroe’s image is so universal that we can’t help but believe that we know all there is to know of her. Every word and gesture made headlines and garnered...
Describes the background of Menander's plays, and provides notes along with new translations of more than fifteen of his plays
This is not a lost world frozen in time; this is Earth as it might have looked after evolving on a separate path for half a billion years—a fragment of a lost continent, with an ecosystem that could topple ours like a house of cards.