Women Are With You is an oral history book featuring excerpts of interviews with women who have successfully extricated themselves from abusive relationships. This nonfiction book's intention is to: ́ express empathy to women currently in abusive relationships ́ provide insight into the cycle of abuse and its many forms ́ provide suggestions for women considering separating from their abusive partner ́ help break the societal stigma that domestically abused women often face ́ help loved ones of a domestically abused woman understand the cycle and the victimÍs mental state These texts are pulled from direct transcripts from audio-recorded interviews. The selected texts do not sugarcoat the difficult transition from abusive-relationship-to-freedom. There are legitimate obstacles, and there are priceless opportunities. The 32 women telling their stories traverse demographics. They range in age (from 18-to-80), race, socioeconomic class, education, and regions.