Broken Justice: My Harrowing Experience in the United States Family Court System.

Broken Justice: My Harrowing Experience in the United States Family Court System.
Broken Justice
Biography & Autobiography
Lulu Press, Inc


I revere the American Judicial System. In fact, in my opinion, I believe it is the most advanced judicial system in the world. That said, it is marred with corruption. I recently lived the most horrific experience of my life dealing with the system. I emerged from my ordeal believing that the Family Court system is notoriously corrupt. Family Court in the U.S. is a highly-profitable business. Statistics show that more money passes through Family Court than any other court. The more the attorney charges, the more people are willing to pay because they believe that money equals skills. The only winners in these courts are the attorneys. This is not what it was intended to be. Let's change it! The unethical conduct of attorneys and bad Family Court judgments leave families financially devastated and emotionally damaged. In my specific case, the court erred in 4 crucial areas and ignored my repeated pleas to fix its errors: 1. The Court erred in allowing Petitioner to use self-authenticated exhibits while dismissing mine under the pretext that they were self-authenticated. 2. The Court erred in reinstating child support payments, although said child has reached majority, graduated from college, and was no longer attending high school. 3. The Court erred in allowing a claim of disability not substantiated by clinical findings and refuted by 4. The Court erred in denying me the opportunity to counter Petitioner’s claim that I failed to honor my timesharing obligation. Petitioner’s own physical assessments. It is the Court’s responsibility to prevent error-ridden trials. That I chose to represent myself (Pro Se) during the trial because I could not afford an attorney should not have diminished the importance of my case nor be cause to ignore my pleas. Only the facts should have determined the outcome of the case. A Judge should be very acutely aware of the limitations and exercise of his/her judicial power. Those limitations should come in the adherence to the facts, which the court failed to do in my case. As a consequence, I have lost trust and respect for the system. Trust, respect, and legitimacy are essential to the Court’s authority, which depends on its credibility, credibility that I have lost. Please sign my petition on to help me make my case. Together, we can indict the system and hopefully make legislative changes to improve the legal process to better serve the families that utilize it.

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