The idea of the 'spontaneous city, ' one that serves needs and wants in real-time, is a theme running through both the title and the text. How can we design cities and their networks that enable people to do what they want, when they want? What do we do everyday that hinders our freedom
The idea of the 'spontaneous city, ' one that serves needs and wants in real-time, is a theme running through both the title and the text.
Part One of this book is an autobiographical summary of the experiences that led the author to develop The Method of Spontaneous Painting.
The idea of the 'spontaneous city,' one that serves needs and wants in real-time, is a theme running through both the title and the text.
Many victims were able to mobilize resources despite considerable personal losses. Shepherd and Williams describe the lasting impact of disaster and tell the stories of Victoria residents who organized in the aftermath of the bushfires.
New York : Simon and Schuster . Rutiku , R. , Aru , J. , & Bachmann , T. ( 2016 ) . General markers of conscious visual perception and their timing . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 10 , 23. doi : 10.3389 / fnhum.2016.00023 .
Jung and his collaborators propagated the method of spontaneous drawing and spontaneous artistic expression as a real psychological tool for access to the unconscious and its processes. In the Jung Institute in Zurich the “Bildarchiv,” ...
Rosenberg was the first critic ( aside from the painters themselves ) to assert the primary importance of what Robert Motherwell had called “ plastic automatism . " 8 What distinguished abstract expressionist art from both surrealism ...
Moksha, a Sanskrit word meaning "liberation," is a collection of the prophetic and visionary writings of Aldous Huxley.
This book explores the phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion--what can we learn about it through historical documentation and the theories surrounding it? Captivate readers with this deep dive into a spooky, high-interest topic.
Not only do people believe that dreams provide them privileged access inside their own mind, people seem to believe that dreams provide them with special insight into their external world. A separate group of participants imagined that ...