Coverage of key up-to-date content is combined with study and exam tips and effective revision strategies to create a guide you can rely on to build both knowledge and memory. With My Revision Notes you can: - Consolidate your knowledge with clear, concise and relevant content coverage, based on what examiners are looking for - Extend your understanding with our regular 'Now test yourself,' tasks and answers - Improve your technique through our increased exam support, including exam-style practice questions, expert tips and examples of typical mistakes to avoid - Identify key connections between topics and subjects with our 'Making links' focus and further ideas for follow-up and revision activities - Plan and manage a successful revision programme with our topic-by-topic planner, new skills checklist and exam breakdown features, user-friendly definitions and online questions and answers
Unlock your full potential in AQA GCSE English Language with this revision guide that focuses on the key skills needed to succeed and provides expert advice at every stage from experienced examiner and skills trainer Keith Brindle.
Porter sees this as a crucial element in achieving a long-term competitive advantage. The matrix shows the four major strategic choices that Porter suggests can lead to long-term success. The key issues to consider when analysing a ...
Set your students on track to achieve the best grade possible with My Revision Notes.
Aim for your best grade with this revision guide written specifically for the 2012 linear GCSE Geography for Edexcel B Specification.
Target success in Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Geography with this proven formula for effective, structured revision.
Target success in CCEA GCSE History with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam preparation tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, ...
Steiner proposed that the results of group effort could be based on an equation that sums up the influences on cohesion: Actual productivity = Potential productivity – Losses due to faulty processes • Actual productivity is the team's ...
With Edexcel AS Chemistry you will be able to: - Take control of your revision - plan and focus on the areas where you need to improve your knowledge and understanding with advice, summaries and notes from expert author George Facer - ...
This revision guide complements the WJEC GCSE Additional Science students textbook.
Key content coverage is combined with practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.