A biography of a misunderstood and under-appreciated American president follows the political career of James K. Polk and the events of his administration, including the acceptance of Texas into the union and the expansion of presidential powers.
The American Presidents Series: The 11th President, 1845-1849 John Seigenthaler Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. ... 2, 1833—1834. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972. ————. Correspondence. Ed. Herbert Weaver. Vol. 3, 183 5—1836.
Explores the one-term presidency of James K. Polk, during which the United States extended its territory across the continent by threatening England and manufacturing a controversial war with Mexico that Abraham Lincoln opposed.
Thomas's replacement as commissioner general was one of the army's most dashing commanders, Colonel William R. Davie. Davie also wanted to fight rather than to become a quartermaster, and in trying to evade the assignment, ...
Offering chapters on her birth and parentage, meeting of President Polk and more, this volume is a detailed biography of Sarah Polk, one of American history's most popular First Ladies.
Quoted in Thomas G. Paterson , ed . , Major Problems in American Foreign Policy : Documents and Essays , 2 vols . ( Lexington : D. C. Heath and Company , 1978 ) , 1 : 185 . 3. The U.S. perception of Latin America's backwardness during ...
This is the story of a powerful and tireless first lady who became one of the most influential Americans of the middle and late nineteenth century.
Describes the theory and practice of the educational program, emphasizing developmental flexibility, responsibility, and intellectual curiosity for elementary school students
J. O. Cooper to SCP , September 8 , 1857 ; see also R. B. Hays to SCP , July 29 , 1857 , Perkins to SCP , July 11 , 1857 , Polk Papers , LOC ; Pickett to SCP , July 7 , 1857 , and September 10 , 1857 , Polk Papers , LOC . 22.
One of the 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time, according to Time Magazine One of the best books of 2018, according to NPR, Publishers Weekly, BuzzFeed, the Chicago Review, BookPage, and the B&N Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog.
In a stroke of luck, Beatrice finds a grimoire that contains the key to becoming a Magus, but before she can purchase it, a rival sorceress swindles the book right out of her hands.