Recounts how the American dream has been dismantled over the past forty years by legislative, electoral, and corporate decisions that have compromised the middle class and minimized individual economic and political power.
Kevin M. Kruse, White Flight (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005); and Matthew D. Lassiter, ... Southern Churches in Crisis (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1966); John C.Green,Lyman A.Kellstedt,Corwin E.Smidt,and ...
本书详细地解构了美国财富高度聚集的深层原因和美国中产阶级名存实亡的事实。美国梦,作为美国最显著的象征,它是由一系列的富有和成功机遇所组成的理想和自由 ...
Politics in an Era of Divided Government: Elections and Goverance in the Second Clinton Administration
Dynamics of American Democracy brings together leading scholars and practitioners to consider the performance of the two-party system, the operations of Congress and the presidency.
Re-issued as part of the "Longman Classics in Political Science" series, Fiorina's authoritative text on political parties in the U.S. features a new Foreword by David R. Mayhew of Yale University that explores the text's enduring ...
Gregory E. McAvoy collects original data and develops a much needed model of information processing that explicitly accounts for the impact of partisanship on collective opinion.