A global history of the post-Revolutionary War exodus of 60,000 Americans loyal to the British Empire to such regions as Canada, India and Sierra Leone traces the experiences of specific individuals while challenging popular conceptions about the founding of the United States. Reprint.
As to the charge that they intended to drive gentiles out of the land market and then the county, they replied they wanted no land other than that legally purchased, nor “more than the Constitution allows us as free American citizens.
In this imaginative book, Maya Jasanoff uncovers the extraordinary stories of collectors who lived on the frontiers of the British Empire in India and Egypt, tracing their exploits to tell an intimate history of imperialism.
This volume not only showcases Dr. Chopra’s comprehensive analysis of Loyalism and its arguments, but includes letters, legislation and even poems written by Loyalists during and after the Revolutionary War.
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
The first book in over thirty years on this topic in Revolution War history, Tories incorporates new research and previously unavailable material drawn from foreign archives, telling the riveting story of bitter internecine conflict during ...
WINNER OF THE TRILLIUM AWARD An unforgettable saga inspired by true events, The Last Exiles is a searing portrait of a young couple in North Korea and their fight for love and freedom Jin and Suja meet and fall in love while studying at ...
38 On July 19, 1782, in perhaps the largest direct reference to Tory slaves, however, Leslie wrote to Carleton of “the request of Sir James Wright and the inhabitants [of Charlestown] to desire Capt. Swiney to supply shipping to ...
[J.-P. Brissot de Warville], Le Philadelphien à Genève ou Lettres d'un Américain sur la dernière révolution de Genève: sa ... J.-P. Brissot, New Travels in the United States, ed. ... A. Sayous (London: Richard Bentley, 1852), I: 7. 39.
13 some power ; if their protector were not Great Britain it could only be some other European state " which would allow them less liberty than they are sure of always enjoying whilst they remain English subjects .
Douglass Adair and John A. Schutz, eds., Peter Oliver's Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion: A Tory View (Stanford, CA, ... 45–51; Richard Alan Ryerson, The Revolution Is Now Begun: The Radical Committees of Philadelphia, ...