Follows the life of the soldier-statesman from his Jamaican roots and youth in the Bronx, through his decorated career in the Army and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to his role as Secretary of State and departure from the post.
This novel of an enclosed world invaded by public events also embodies in its characters the shifts in England's class structures at the beginning of the twentieth century.
IN combating terror, America can no longer depend on its conventional military superiority and the use of sophisticated technology. We are fighting guerrilla wars, against insurgents hidden in remote regions,...
In a firsthand look at the events and personalities of the American battle for independence, an American colonial soldier presents an account of his experiences fighting for freedom during the Revolutionary War, in a narrative featuring a ...
The thrilling next story in the The Talon Saga, the incredible new YA fantasy series from New York Times bestselling author Julie Kagawa.
Soldier from the Wars Returning is one of the truest, most profound and readable personal accounts of the Great War.
A retired Army officer recounts his basic training and his experiences in Korea, where he was awarded the Silver Star
Here are resources available to help and I only hope my book helps inspire someone to connect with people they think are giving up on the fight.
The only book of its kind, WHY A SOLDIER? gives us the inside view of the Corps as it launched an exciting new era in strategic and tactical communications that set the groundwork for all future military operations.
(1640), Michael Baret's An Hipponomie or The Vineyard of Horsemanship (1618), William Browne's The Art of Riding the Great Horse (1628), and Thomas de Gray's The Compleat Horseman and Expert Ferrier (1639). Like the earlier horsemanship ...