The changing relationship of Joseph Brant, a young Mohawk, and Samuel Kirkland, the son of a colonial clergyman, from their first meeting at a New England boarding school, is set against the role of the Native American peoples in North America during the American Revolution and the shaping of the postwar borderland between the United States and British Canada. Reprint.
Justin Timberlake vowed to “Bring Sexy Back” (even though most of us didn't think it went away). Such blatant attempts at titillation largely failed to (a)rouse the next generation. In the words of the power-pop band Weezer, ...
Railton, Fenimore Cooper, 87, 110 (“Oliver's”); Motley, The American Abraham, 80–81; Wayne Franklin, The New World of James Fenimore Cooper (Chicago, 1982), 105–6; Brook Thomas, Cross-examinations of Law and Literature: Cooper, ...
Lincoln , Gettysburg Address , . 50. Meister , Forgiving and Forgetting , 140 . 51. Paloma Aguilar , “ Justice , Politics , and Memory in the Spanish Transition , ” in The Politics of Memory ...
The work covers the experiences of specific Native American groups such as the Abenaki, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Delaware, Iroquois, Seminole, and Shawnee peoples with information presented by chronological period and geographic ...
Nor could he tolerate female participation in politics, no matter how indirect.23 At the start of his term, Jackson faced a crisis over Margaret O'Neale Timberlake Eaton, the new bride of his friend and secretary of war, John Eaton.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER “An optimistic view on why collective action is still possible—and how it can be realized.” —The New York Times “As far as heroic characters go, I’m not sure you could do better than Katharine Hayhoe.” ...
... The League of Women Voters, US Vote, UnidosUS, or the Brennan Center for Justice We must make voter registration and voting accessible to every eligible American, and ensure every ballot is counted regardless of voter's race, ...
An easy-to-read and understand guide to the complexities surrounding technology access and adoption that focuses on the ways libraries can help close the digital divide.
A New York Times Book Review Notable Book of 2017 From the great historian of the American Revolution, New York Times-bestselling and Pulitzer-winning Gordon Wood, comes a majestic dual biography of two of America's most enduringly ...
"The book is about the accomplishments for women achieved by Purdue University's first dean of the School of Home Economics, Mary Matthews, and the first state leader of Home Demonstration, Lella Gaddis"--Provided by publisher.