One Life: How the U.S. Supreme Court Deliberately Distorted the History, Science, and Law of Abortion

One Life: How the U.S. Supreme Court Deliberately Distorted the History, Science, and Law of Abortion
One Life
William M. Connolly


ONE LIFE examines the abortion controversy in depth and concludes that Roe v. Wade was a judicial travesty which distorted law, science, history and reason to legalize abortion on demand in America. ONE LIFE explains in detail and with clarity how and why the Supreme Court did so. The Reviewers' Comments and Table of Contents, below, are testament to the compelling evidence, comprehensive documentation and convincing arguments which supports ONE LIFE's conclusions about how and why the Supreme Court usurped the authority of fifty state legislatures and unconstitutionally withdrew nearly all legal protections from the fetus. The author, Mr. Connolly, a practicing lawyer in Boston who has appeared as co-counsel before the United States Supreme Court, is well qualified to write about the abortion debate. In addition to his legal training and experience, he has co-authored a book on a famous First Amendment, Free Speech case, From Trial Court to the United States Supreme Court, Anatomy of a Free Speech Case, Walkowski and Connolly (Branden 1995). He also has a strong academic background in the biomedical fields. He received a degree in biology, magna cum laude, from Boston College in 1967, studied medicine at Georgetown University Medical School from 1967 to 1971, received a degree in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health in 1974, and a degree in law, cum laude, from Suffolk University Law School, in 1986. Before entering private practice in 1987, he had worked with federal, state and local agencies in the areas of public health and environmental protection. REVIEWERS' COMMENTS Joseph R. Nolan, University Professor, Suffolk University Law School, retired Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and co-editor of Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition: "You have brilliantly marshaled the facts and law on this deadly serious issue of abortion. I was even impressed with the details with which you set forth the Table of Contents. Your treatment of Roe v. Wade was fair, accurate and entirely professional. You dissected the constitutional matrix of the case with penetrating analysis. We are all your debtors for this extraordinary work. "Congratulations on a monumental work." Charles E. Rice, Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School: "Congratulations on a thorough exposure of the fallacies of Roe v. Wade. . . Your capsulization of Roe v. Wade is very good, as is your dismantling of Fr. Drinan's position. I hope you can get wide circulation for this work." Chester Darling, Constitutional lawyer and U. S. Supreme Court litigator: "One Life is an excellent book for anyone interested in grasping the essence and complexities of the abortion controversy. Students and professionals will benefit from its in-depth discussion of the legal, medical, scientific, philosophic and moral issues, which have made abortion such a divisive topic for Americans. One Life challenges the reader to critically examine Roe v. Wade and a judicial system which sometimes blunders badly. This book furthers the realization that Roe v. Wade was a judicial aberration which will take its place in legal history along with Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson. Paul J. Walkowski, author: "One Life is the death knell for Roe v. Wade." ONE LIFE TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE: A brief history The Court distorts history Potential human life The holding or central ruling Fundamental rights CHAPTER 1: WHO DECIDES? Laws affecting our private lives Laws affecting our sex lives Private acts Laws affecting the fetus Laws affecting abortion The withdrawal of legal protection Who decides? A few personal notes Docere, delectare, et movere A clash of values CHAPTER 2: THE TAKING OF HUMAN LIFE. The conflict: some laws

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