Tegneserie. As a mysterious figure slinks through the halls of Arkham Asylum, Batman must fight his way through a gauntlet of psychos, and Bruce Wayne faces the unexpected legal ramifications of Batman Incorporated!
Collects stories written by Moore during the 1980s featuring superheroes in the DC universe, including Superman, Batman, the Vigilante, Swamp Thing, and Green Arrow.
Batman, Deadman: Death and Glory
Batman must create an alliance with his parents' murderer to stop the Reaper, who pursued the criminals of Gotham City a generation earlier with cruel and violent methods.
Features three stand-alone Batman stories with an ongoing, inter-connecting story strand that pulls them together into one epic tale of the whole Dark Knight Dynasty - part of the Elseworlds line.
YA. Graphic novel. Chronicling the second year of Batman's conflict with the D̀ark Knight'.
"Originally published as Batman: Son of the Demon, Batman: Bride of the Demon and Batman: Birth of the Demon"--T.p. verso.
Batman must form an uneasy alliance with his greatest adversary.
A collection of Batman stories of recent years (1980s). This volume collects together four more chapters in the early history of the Batman.
Batman, Reign of Terror
Bruce Wayne is selected by the Guardians to be earth's Green Lantern.