One of Publishers Weekly's Hot Fall Books of 2013! Tom Taylor has lived his life being mistaken for Tommy Taylor, the boy wizard from the world-famous series of novels penned by Tom's long-lost father Wilson. However, after a series of strange events start to parallel the lives of both Taylors--fictional and real--Tom realizes that he might be the character on page made flesh. In this first-ever original graphic novel spinning off from the pages of the critically acclaimed THE UNWRITTEN series, writer Mike Carey explores the origins behind Tom's mysterious powers and the odyssey his father has sent him on.
... Notice Dedication Epigraph Circulation Desk Table of Contents Devour Chapter 1 The Blanks Ghost Books Spirits There Is ... Ghost Story Chapter 3 The End Blackwings The Forest: A Bibliography Acknowledgments A List of Illustrations Also.
In the first book in a brilliant new fantasy series, books that aren't finished by their authors reside in the Library of the Unwritten in Hell, and it is up to the Librarian to track down any restless characters who emerge from those ...
But if there's one unwritten rule, it's this: you don't mess around with a friend's boyfriend. So Sarah tries to resist temptation.
A forefront literary critic meditates on seven books he had intended to write, explaining that his unwritten works proved too intimate, challenging, or painful to commit to publication and revealing how the stories confronted such themes as ...
Tom Taylor's life was screwed from the word go.
In this fantasy middle-grade novel, twelve-year-old storybook character Gracie Freeman lives in the real world but longs to discover what happened in the story she came from.
This practical and compassionate handbook helps parents sharpen any child's social skills by identifying the "unwritten rules" that govern all relationships.
In the final novel, it's even implied that the fictional Tommy will cross over into the real world, giving delusional fans more excuses to harass Tom.
Reading between the lines: America's implicit Constitution -- Heeding the deed: America's enacted Constitution -- Hearing the people: America's lived Constitution -- Confronting modern case law: America's "warrented" Constitution -- Putting ...
Norma was fired from her job at the Third United City Bank because she told a customer she'd be better off keeping her money at home in a coffee can hidden beneath her porch or bed, because sometimes the bank made “mistakes” and the ...