A modern update on the ageless idea that girls should know appropriate and courteous responses to any situation. Good manners aren't just a quaint and old-fashioned concept. They're an essential aspect of every young lady's path to adulthood and the skills she'll need in whatever she chooses to do.
This latest book in the series was written especially for boys ages 8-14, to teach them the basic skills every young man should have and every young man's mother and grandmother want him to have.
Candace Simpson-Giles delivers a delightful refresher course on what it means to be a lady among women.
... YOU PRONOUNCE IT: kor dohn bluh WHAT IT SAYS: coulis WHAT IT MEANS: a simple sauce made with puréed vegetables or fruit HOW YOU PRONOUNCE IT: koo lee IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS WHAT IT SAYS: couscous WHAT IT MEANS: a tiny grain-sized.
The goal of the GentleManners series of books is quite simple-to provide people with the tools they need to make this planet a nicer, more civilized place to live.
In this updated version of As a Gentleman Would Say, John Bridges and Bryan Curtis offer simple reminders and new ideas for any man who is eager to navigate the obstacle course of his own words.
Do unto others as you would others should do to you. You can never be rude if you bear the rule always in mind, for what lady likes to be...
GRIFFIN. I've never had ahard time with“when to try harder”—that would be every day. The “when to walk away” piece of it has been harder for me to learn. I've got a strong work ethic, which comes from my parents—they put in very hard, ...
Se: 50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know
When Agnes Morley Cleaveland was born on a New Mexico cattle ranch in 1874, the term "Wild West" was a reality, not a cliché.
In sometimes humorous but often painful detail, Micalle gives the raw story of her own affair, countless interviews from women who became mistresses, and research into the psychology of the other woman and the man who cheats.