"In these pages, Kymythy Schultze has provided an excellent nutritional text to help us build a healthier life for our animal friends."— Dr. Stephen R. Blake, Jr., D.V.M. "[This book is] an excellent starting point for us all. Its pages are filled with helpful hints, good advice and most important, logic and common sense."— Dr. Bruce W. Cauble, D.V.M.
This book is a must-read for all cat-lovers!
"The first comprehensive book to cover both raw and home-cooked diets specifically for dogs, written by an expert in dog food research and development"--Provided by publisher.
Combining a wealth of experience with sound science in this easy-to-use book, this book is a must for all pet owners, breeders, veterinarians, and animal health professionals wanting to feed dogs and cats the natural way.
Updating recommendations last made by the National Research Council in the mid-1980s, this report provides nutrient recommendations based on physical activity and stage in life, major factors that influence nutrient needs.
This fourth edition is updated with the latest information in natural pet health, including groundbreaking research on the benefits of vegan diets for pets, as well as nutritionally complete recipes to give your pets optimal health that you ...
This book sets out guidelines for feeding your pet, helps explain factors that contribute to a good (or bad) diet, and the ways in which people can help their dogs or cats maintain good overall health.
The Ultimate Diet: Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats
This comprehensive guide discusses more than 40 common conditions or diseases that can affect your pet and how they can be treated or improved with natural medicine.
This third book from Dr. Ian Billinghurst was written to help pet owners either understand or expand their knowledge of evolutionary diets for both dogs and cats.
Reigning Cats & Dogs: Good Nutrition, Healthy Happy Animals