The Encyclopedia of Entomology provides a detailed, global overview of insects and their close relatives, including taxonomy, behavior, ecology, physiology, history, and management. It covers all the major groups of arthropods, as well as many important families and individual species. The encyclopedia also covers physiology, genetics, ecology, behavior, insect relationships with people, medical entomology, and pest management.
Awarded Best Reference by the New York Public Library (2004), Outstanding Academic Title by CHOICE (2003), and AAP/PSP 2003 Best Single Volume Reference/Sciences by Association of American Publishers' Professional Scholarly Publishing ...
The number of researches and scientists in this field have multiplied manifold times over the past decade. This book compiles the data and research that is available in the discipline of entomology and attempts to decipher these findings.
The number of researches and scientists in this field have multiplied manifold times over the past decade. This book compiles the data and research that is available in the discipline of entomology and attempts to decipher these findings.
This should not be understood that the information contained in this edition is self-sufficient but it will be an incessant and uninterrupted pursuit of the authors to find new words and that of the inadvertently omitted ones.
The number of researches and scientists in this field have multiplied manifold times over the past decade. This book compiles the data and research that is available in the discipline of entomology and attempts to decipher these findings.
Updated, developed and reworked from Doug Kettle's seminal Medical and Veterinary Entomology, this major new reference presents vital information in encyclopedia format, with alphabetical entries and an extensive index to make key facts ...
Combining authoritative, easy-to-read essays with accurate illustrations and full color photographs, this encyclopedia covers all of the families that encompass the million-plus species of insects and spiders. A unique and...
With around one million species, insects and their allies are by far the most successful, variable and bizarre group of living things to have evolved on our planet. Yet much...
Updated, developed and reworked from Doug Kettle's seminal Medical and Veterinary Entomology, this major new reference presents vital information in encyclopedia format, with alphabetical entries and an extensive index to make key facts ...
Sting Operation and Law is a graphic presentation of legal issues related with different aspects of journalism.