This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1873 Excerpt: which is the type and pattern of all human excellence. He spoke of the duties which belong to every relation of life; of children and of parents, of husbands and of wives. It was a sermon after the apostolic model; friendly counsel to his new friends, here among remote Scottish hills, away from the falsehoods and artificialities of crowded cities; a simple pastoral address to the people of this small Arcadia. "If I could only obey him " Elizabeth thought; at this moment a different creature from the brilliant mistress of the house with the many balconies--the presiding genius of crowded afternoon tea-drinkings, the connoisseur in ceramic ware, who would melt down a small fortune into a service of eggshell Sevres, or Vienna, or Carl Theodore cups and saucers, and cream-jugs and tea-canisters, for the mere amusement of an idle morning; a widely different being from her whose last ball had astonished the town by its reckless extravagance, whose milliner's bill would have been formidable for Miss Killmansegg. By nature a creature of impulse, carried away by every vain wind of doctrine, she was at least accessible to good influences as well as evil, and was for this one brief hour exalted, purified in spirit by the power of her old lover's pleading--pleading not as her lover, only as one who loved all weak and erring human creatures, and had compassion unawares for her. "Does he know?" she wondered; "does he know that I hear him? Surely he must have cast one of his penetrating glances this way." Nothing in his tone or manner indicated the surprise or emotion which might have accompanied such a recognition. If he had seen her the sight had not moved him, the memories which shook her soul to its centre had no power to touch him. ...
Margaret Meuse Clay, who barely escaped a public whipping in the 1760s for preaching without a license; "Old Elizabeth," an ex-slave who courageously traveled to the South to preach against slavery in the early nineteenth century; Harriet ...
"Controversies in politics and religion, customs of family life and society, obligations of labor and chances to play, questions of free will, democracy, the separation of church and state, religious...
... the theological necessity of a historically and experientially engaged exegesis and its novel methodological orientation], Evangelische Theologie 56 (1996) 3–29. Also present in Chr. Hardmeier, Realitätssinn und Gottesbezug ...
Gale Local 08-01-2006 $27.95.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there...
In the end the life of Philip's son was spared but it might better have been taken, for he, too, spent the remainder of his days in chains, a slave in Bermuda. - “The design of Christ in these last days is not to extirpate nations but ...
The various essays in this anniversary volume remember the manifold details of this historic voyage in an attempt to inform and even inspire the modern Christian as he or she seeks to be a faithful pilgrim to that heavenly country that was ...
From the story, Richard emerges as a man of questionable morals, much enterprise, and a good deal of old-fashioned pluck, a combination that could get him into trouble-and often did.
This is the question that Jim Carten asks, and after years of painstaking Biblical research, he provides answers that will astound religious scholars and historians alike.*Was the God of Moses and the Israelites an extraterrestrial?*Did ...
Harris , R. Laird , Gleason L. Archer , Jr. , and Bruce Waltke . 1980. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament . Chicago : Moody Press . Jackson , J.B. 1909. A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names . New York : Loizeaux Brothers .