Designed for children ages 6 and above, this cornerstone guide provides parents with hands-on techniques and fun activities to teach children the MegaSkills that will give them school and life success.
Specially designed for school-aged children, this cornerstone guide provides you with hands-on techniques and kid-friendly activities to teach children the MegaSkills that are essential to success in school and life.
... Moments: The Last Year If your child is in day care or preschool, think back over the last year. Ask yourself, “To what extent did I do any of ... educational issues. Other: MegaSkills Activities Across the Age Levels Each chapter lists the.
Abstract: This book explores the different ways in which families can help in the overall success of children in schools and beyond.
... teachers : From students : " Teachers give parents orders : they treat us like kids . They tell me , Have your child ... Moments . A MegaSkills Moment between teachers and parents is a bonding moment . It's when a teacher invites a ...
Proven to help children develop the basic values and character strengths they need to succeed in school and beyond, "Megaskills" now includes an emphasis on focusing attention and thinking toward a goal--to help build critical abilities ...
MegaSkills Moments for Teachers: How-to's for Building Personal and Professional Effectiveness for the Classroom and Beyond
This book summarizes over 40 programs which enhance the success of students at risk.
... parents during conferences based on home literacy portfolios. Education and Urban Society, 32(1), 58–82. Paratore, J.R., Melzi, G., & Krol-Sinclair, B. (1999). What should we expect of family literacy? Newark, DE: International Reading ...
Here's Looking At You One of the most widely used alcohol and drug education abuse prevention curriculum program in the nation is Here's Looking At You . This state of the art " K - 12 curriculum uses a variety of participatory ...