Looks at the history of baby names, provides lists of names based on popular themes, and presents entries that include definitions and variations.
The most helpful, complete, & up-to-date name book Bruce Lansky. M Ma Kayla (American) a form of Michaela. Mab (Irish) joyous. ... Macarena (Spanish) she who carries the sword; name for the Virgin Mary. Macaria (Greek) happy.
Looks at the history of baby names, provides lists of names based on popular themes, and presents entries that include definitions and variations.
Ehuang • Chinese • august beauty Éibhleann, Eibhliu, Evlin • Irish Gaelic • beautiful, radiant Eiddwen, Eiddunwen • British/Welsh • fond, passionate, desire, holy, white, fair Electra, Ellettra • Greek • brilliant Elaine, ...
This fabulous resource lists thousands of baby names from various ethnicities; most entries include origin and popularity information, as well as interesting facts. » Other spellings, variations from around the...
www.babycenter.in/pregnancy/naming/india-top-babynames-2010. BabyNameBox.com. GranMamma. “History of Baby Names.” www.babynamebox.com/articles/baby-namehistory.html. BBPositive.org.“These Romantic and Brilliant Victorian Baby Names.
Gives 30,001 baby names complete with meanings, origins and nicknames.
Variant forms include Sharron, Sharona (or Sherona), Sharonda and Sharyn. Sometimes shortened to Shari. Sharona/Sharonda/ Sharron/Sharyn See SHARON. Shauna Feminine equivalent of the Irish SEAN, itself a version of JOHN.
Hoffman Hoffman isaGerman name thatmeans'courtier' or 'manof influence and flattery'. Itwas borne by the German romantic novelist Ernst Hoffman who died in 1822. Holt The Old English meaning ofthe name Holt is 'wooded hill' or 'copse'.
Baby-naming has become an art form with parents today, but where do parents go to find names and their meanings? The Name Book offers particular inspiration to those who want more than just a list of popular names.
Kahanu Keola Kofi Kojo Kwame Leron Levander Levant Renatus Rene Reno Sanjeev Sarad Shen Spiro Tobbar Umi Vidal Vitalis Vito Xing Ziven Zoltan (Hawaiian) “one who breathes.” (Hawaiian) “life.” (Twi) “born on Friday.