Focusing on the bizarre, a collection of entertaining, illustrated travel guides features a host of oddball curiosities, ghosts and haunted places, local legends, cursed roads, crazy characters, and unusual roadside attractions that can be found throughout the United States.
Presents information about scary things and events, both real and imaginary, including alien encounters, deadly creatures, and real-life monsters.
Wales William Evans ( 1599-1634 ) of Monmouthshire , now Gwent , who was porter to King James I , stood 7 ft 6 in 228.6 cm . Republic of Ireland Patrick Cotter ( O'Brien ) ( 1760-1806 ) , born in Kinsale , Co.
... he forgot the words and told the woman he had to go to the public library to look them up . The woman got free and called the police , who intercepted Lastimado in the “ occult ” section . ke In 1992 in Troy , New York , Todd 50.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling 7. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 8. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien 9. Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling 10.
On April 29 , 1954 , the red - baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy ( Republican from Wisconsin ) was conducting a witch - hunt for alleged Communists in the U.S. Army . Assisting McCarthy was ...
Specifically produced for younger readers, the questions, puzzles and word games in this book range from space travel to the animal kingdom, from the arts and entertainment to human achievements and sport.
Under the watchful eye of a team of doctors and scientists Edgar Rowe , 43 , lay submerged up to his neck in a bathtub full ofice water – temperature 0 ° C for the record time of 19 mins 30 secs at Cape Town , South Africa , on 3 April ...
... he wore a size XL shirt and pants with a forty - two - inch waist , as illustrated by one of his boyhood outfits , apparently stuffed with a pillow for a measure of realism . 2 S : an Antonio's Prince of Thrones Barney Smith is.
Explores ghosts and haunted places, local legends, cursed roads, crazy characters, and unusual roadside attractions found in Michigan.
From Alba to Ypsilanti, if you are looking for the kooky, bizarre, and just plain weird, you can't top Michigan.