Offering an eye-opening study of toxic materials to which we are exposed in everyday life, a practical handbook identifies potentially hazardous substances, their impact on human health, how to make informed choices about what we buy for ourselves and for the environment, and healthier choices for bedding, cosmetics, clothing, food and drink, flooring, and other everyday items. Original.
Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power
Revisiting the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the...
With current, updated research, A Consumer's Guide to Toxic Food Additives identifies thirteen of the most worrisome ingredients you might be eating and drinking every day.
From tips and do-it-yourself formulas to world-class research and in-depth exploration and explanation, this book provides: a basic understanding of how toxic chemicals in consumer products affect your health; all the tools you need to ...
Toxic Effects of Chemicals in Food, Chemical and Consumer Product Safety
Playing with Fire is an extremely significant, revelatory piece of watchdog journalism that is a must-read for anyone with small children and for citizens who demand responsibility of big businesses and their governments.
The Toxic Substances Control Act and persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals : examining domestic and international actions : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy ...
Provides basic consumer health information about the health effects of environmental hazards and diseases linked to environmental causes, with facts about the impact on specific populations.
"This valuable resource provides detailed health and safety information on the hazardous and toxic properties of over 1,000 heavily used industrial and consumer chemicals.